Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Find out what we fear the most -

Toronto, ON (October 25, 2011) As we prepare for the spookiest evening of the year,, Canada’s leading family history website[i], has unearthed the truth about what Canadians fear the most.

Survey Results

In a national survey, asked Canadians to reveal their deepest fears. While Halloween is a celebration of our childhood fear of ghosts and goblins, survey results found that the fears of adults are a lot more real. In fact, across the country people declared that they are more afraid of the Conservative party than they are of ghosts. Here are what makes Canadians shake in their boots:
Terrorists – Not your typical Halloween costume, terrorists are listed as the number one thing that Canadians are most afraid of.

Snakes – Surprisingly, snakes are a close runner up to our number one fear; we just can’t seem to get over these slithering creatures. 

Heights – Although Canada is home to the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere, not to mention a range of sky-scraping mountains, Canadians are terrified of heights.

Public Speaking – Just the thought of standing in front of their peers to say a speech makes Canadians fearful.

Spiders – Arachnophobia ranks up there with these creepy crawlies making our hair stand on end.

Nationally, the results are startlingly different as Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec cite terrorists as their top fear. Ontario and British Columbia tied terrorists and snakes for their number one. Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, on the other hand, find the thought of heights absolutely horrifying. And when it comes to Saskatchewan, mice and rats are people’s biggest fears. 

Additionally, out of all the provinces Quebec is more likely to fear ghosts and aliens than other provinces. Ontario is quite afraid of sharks… not exactly a native threat to the populace. Newfoundland dreads the dentist and the Conservatives. British Columbia and Manitoba detest the Liberals, and Alberta is more terrified of clowns than anyone else.

Celebrate Halloween by going to to sign up for a 14-day free trial.

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