Tuesday, February 26, 2013

UPDATE: LAC Release of a New Version of the Census of Canada, 1911 Database

This bit of positive news came from the LAC today -

Library and Archives Canada is pleased to announce the release of a new version of the Census of Canada, 1911 database. This fifth general census covered the nine provinces and two territories that were then part of Confederation: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.

Previously, users could search only by geographical information, such as province, district and sub-district. Now, they can also search by nominal information, such as the name, given name(s) and age of an individual.

I decided to look for my maternal grandfather Lester Blades in East Pubnico, Nova Scotia and he was there when I looked at the jpg of the census report. It was very easy to do. I just put his name in the search box, as well as the province of Nova Scotia. You should give this a try. You can either view it as a jpg or pdf – and it is FREE!

It is at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1911/Pages/1911.aspx

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